No matter what field you’re in or where your business is located, you have a lot of responsibility as a business owner. It’s your job to make sure that your business is running smoothly.
This often starts with a good server for your company. But there are many different kinds out there. How do you know which one is the best one for you? What’s the difference between enterprise servers and any other server?
An enterprise server is a dedicated server designed specifically for your business’s needs. There are a lot of factors that make an enterprise server good for a business to use.
Read on to learn why many business owners are switching to an enterprise server right now.
Increased Security
The first reason a business owner may switch to an enterprise server is for the increased security. Cybersecurity is a major concern for businesses these days. If they get hacked, all of their customers’ information could be exposed.
This leaves their customers vulnerable to identity theft. This is a major problem that could cost someone thousands of dollars and ruin their credit score.
But one common type of cyberattack that companies need to protect themselves from is a Denial of Service Attack (DDoS). This is when hackers send a malevolent request to a server and effectively shuts it down. Usually, this follows a request for money in order to reverse the effect.
This is an even bigger problem for shared servers. If a shared server gets attacked, then every business on that server gets affected. A dedicated enterprise server is much less likely to be attacked in this manner, so you won’t need to worry about as many malware attacks.
More Control
A problem that a lot of business owners find with other servers is that they don’t get a lot of control over them. No two companies are the same. Their servers should reflect that.
A good business server should be customizable to the company’s needs. It should be able to adapt to any changes the company makes quickly. Furthermore, it should be able to function in a way that works for the company.
Other servers don’t usually offer this kind of robust control over the company’s data. An enterprise server tends to be much more customizable.
That’s why many business owners will want an enterprise server. It’s these servers that give companies more control over their data.
It’s also able to adapt quickly to any changes that are needed. So it’s a good choice for companies that are growing quickly.
And having more control means more peace of mind that your company is running the way that you want it to.
Compatibility With Software
A growing business means that the company needs to grow and evolve quickly. This might mean upgrading software after a certain point. Maybe your company needs more than one website hosted.
This can be difficult to accomplish on some servers. It’s even harder when you’re sharing server space with other companies.
And what happens when you want to switch your software to something that works better for your company? Will your server be able to run the new software? Or will it cause problems for the business?
These are all good questions that business owners need to think about when they’re selecting a server. It’s also why many of them choose to go with an enterprise server.
These servers will integrate seamlessly with any new software that you introduce to it. They come with a high amount of RAM to ensure high performance and stability no matter what software it needs to run. That gives both employees and customers a better user experience overall.
More Visibility
One thing that businesses often struggle with is knowing exactly what work is being done and when. If you’re a business owner, then you should know what your business is actively doing.
Knowing where your server power and app usage is going can give you an idea of what your company will need in the near future. This is important to companies that are growing quickly since it lets them stay ahead of that growth. This will also prevent delays in the execution of any new changes that need to be made to accommodate that growth.
An enterprise server gives you this power. It provides high-end monitoring tools that allow business owners to see all sorts of information about their company with just the click of a few buttons. It lets them see bandwidth and power usage as well as which apps are being used the most.
All of this gives them the power to predict what the company’s needs will be and stay ahead of any changes.
Company Growth
Finally, every company wants to see growth. They want to bring in more and more customers and expand into new products and fields. But rapid company growth is not without its problems.
More customers and products mean more work to be done. And even if you hire more employees, are you sure that your current server can keep up with demand? Or will it crash due to the high volume of requests it’s receiving?
You need a server solution that can grow with your company. You need one that won’t crash during high-traffic times.
This is referred to as scalability. It’s the ability of technology to expand to meet any new needs of the company.
An enterprise server is flexible enough to accommodate growth as needed. This allows you time to make any adjustments within your company so that it can handle whatever growth the future continues to bring you.
Get Enterprise Servers for Your Business Today
If you want a reliable server for your company, then enterprise servers might be the product you’re looking for. They’re reliable, secure, and integrate well with any software your company uses.
And the best place to get one is at Maple-Hosting. We’ve been helping companies just like yours host their websites since 2008. We have a wide variety of server options and add-ons, including our enterprise dedicated servers.
Contact us today and see how we can help your server set up.
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